2011 Hudson Opera House, Hudson, NY; Unnatural Selections
2006 Courthouse Gallery, Lake George, NY; Close Work
2004 Ansonia Window Show, NYC, NY
1998 Lynn Tendler Bignell Gallery, Brookfield, CT
2016 Saratoga Arts, Saratoga Springs, NY; Environmental Expressions
2014 Art at First, NY; Fishes of the Sea, Birds of the Air
The Jazz Gallery, New York
2013 Lapham Gallery, Glens Falls, NY: Bits and Pieces
2012 80 Washington Square East Galleries, New York; Small Works
2004 City Without Walls; New Jersey Metro Show
2005 Washington Square East Galleries, NY: Small Works
A.I.R. Gallery, New York; Fiber for the Future
Paul Mellon Arts Center, Ct; Looking In, Looking Out
McDowell Arts Association, NC; Traveling the Carolinas
2003 Pfizer International, NY; Artist as Alchemist
2002 Smithtown Township Arts Council, St. James, NY; Threads of Tradition
2000 Wilmer Jennings Gallery, NY, NY; In the Hands of an Artist
Hoffman Gallery, Portland Oregon
1999 The New York State Museum, Albany, NY; 9x9x3
Brand Galleries, Glendale, California
1998 Center for Book Arts, NY; Textiles/Fibers/Threads:The Book Show; catalog
Phoenix Gallery, NY; Squared Off (curated by Lewis Knauss)
1996 Paramount Arts Center, Peekskill, NY; Diverse Fragment
1986 Brainerd Gallery, Potsdam, NY; The New Basket; catalog
1987 The New Basket, U.S.I.A. sponsored; travels through 5 African countries
1983 Dawson Gallery, Rochester, NY; Interweavings: Baker and Miller
1982 Roberson Center for the Arts and Sciences, Binghamton, NY; catalog
(a selection)
Arkansas Art Center, Little Rock, Arkansas
Roberson Center for the Arts and Sciences, Binghamton, NY
Paper making for Basketry, Press de la Plantz; 1988
Creative Design in Knotting (New Edition), Crown Press; 1985
Fiberarts Design Books I and II, Lark Books; 1980, 1981
(a selection)